Privacy Statement

The Huawei Connect app (the "app"), operated by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ("Huawei", "we", and "us"), is a useful tool for attendees of the Huawei Connect event. It is the official mobile app that provides you with a digital experience. When you use this app, we will process your personal data for a limited and specific purpose. Huawei fully understands the importance of customer privacy and respects your privacy. Before submitting your personal data to Huawei, please carefully read this Privacy Statement (hereinafter referred to as the Statement).

This Statement helps you understand the following content:

1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

2. How We Handle Your Personal Data

3. How to Access or Modify Your Personal Data

4. How We Protect Your Personal Data

5. Third-party SDKs

6. How We Process Minors' Personal Data

7. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

8. How Your Personal Data Is Transferred

9. Updates to This Policy

10. How to Contact Us

1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

Personal data means any information that, either on its own or jointly with other information, can be used to identify a natural person. When you use this app or interact with us, you will submit your personal data directly to us. Alternatively, with your consent, this app will access the personal data you entered in the corresponding registration system. In the following sections, we will describe how we process your personal data, including the scenarios, types, methods, and purposes involved.

1.1 Registration: This app does not provide the registration function. To register for HUAWEI CONNECT 2024, you need a targeted invitation from your Huawei coordinator for the event and complete the event registration through the event's official website or by following instructions in the invitation letter sent by the event organizer. After that, you can have a login account.

1.2 Logging in: When you log in to a conference or activity displayed in this app, we will collect your user ID (a unique ID generated for you after registration), login channel (the app), and login time. To log in, please use the personal email address and mobile number you provided during the registration.

1.3 Viewing registration information: After logging in to the app, you can choose My > eCard to view your e-Pass for the event. You can view your name, company, mobile number, email address, industry, and country/region in the Personal Center. The aforesaid personal data is all provided by you in the registration system.

1.4 Saving sessions and booths to Favorites: After logging in to the app, you can tap My > Favorites to view the sessions and booths you added to Favorites on the official website or the app.

1.5 Scan: With your consent, the app will activate the camera function to scan QR codes and access booth introductions. When you use the scan function to log in, the system will record the booth associated with your user ID.

1.6 Questionnaire: You can access the questionnaire on the app by taping Agenda > Keynote, Agenda > Summit, or Agenda > Session. This questionnaire is collected anonymously. We will not process any of your personal data. You can view the privacy statement related to the questionnaire on the questionnaire page.

1.7 Interactive Experience: You can tap Interaction on the homepage of the app. To participate, you need to log in. When you participate in interactive activities, your camera will be accessed with your consent to complete Scan to Check in tasks. Your user ID, task name, and completion time will also be recorded. When you redeem gifts, the gift type and redemption time will be recorded.

1.8 Notification: To ensure that you receive attendance reminders and messages related to your favorite sessions in time, we will use information from your device such as its platform, manufacturer, brand, model, system version, OAID, AndroidID, Wi-Fi connection details, operator information, DHCP, SSID, and BSSID. This information will be used to create a unique clientID (CID) and GetuiID (GID).

1.9 To detect abnormal usage behavior, optimize system performance, and troubleshoot and recover from faults, we will create access and login logs in the background. The logs contain information about the device's brand, model, ID, type, operating system, and version. In case of an Android device, the IMEI and MAC address are preferentially recorded. If these cannot be obtained, a randomly generated ID is recorded instead. In case of an iOS device, a randomly generated ID is recorded.

1.10 We will collect information about the pages you click on, the pages you browse, and the time of your visits to collect statistics on page access, downloads, and activeness of the app. The purpose of collecting such data is to improve the services we provide for you.

We may also use your personal data for the following purposes:

(a) Sending you important notices, such as updates to the app

(b) Improving our products and services through data analysis and research

(c) Troubleshooting when you send us error reports.

(d) Synchronizing, sharing, and storing the data you upload or download and the data needed for the uploading and downloading

(e) Ensuring the security of our products, services, and customers or users, executing and improving our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs

(f) Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies.

2. How We Handle Your Personal Data

Huawei will disclose your personal data only in the following circumstances:

2.1 Sharing

2.1.1 Principles

a. Legality: Data use involved in cooperation with partners must have legal purposes and comply with laws and regulations. If a partner's use of data no longer meets these requirements, they should not continue to use your personal data until they have obtained the necessary legal basis.

b. Justification and minimum necessity: Data use must have a legitimate purpose and be limited to what is necessary to achieve that purpose.

c. Security and prudence: We carefully evaluate the purpose and security capabilities of our partners who use data, and require them to comply with legal agreements. We also strictly monitor the security of software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs) used by partners to protect data security.

2.2.1 We do not share your personal data with third parties without your consent, except in the following circumstances or as described in this Statement:

(a) Sharing with your explicit consent. We may share your personal data under your explicit consent and within your instruction to the third parties indicated by you.

(b) Sharing under legal circumstances: Huawei may share your personal data with third parties as required by law, to resolve legal disputes, or as requested by administrative or judicial authorities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

(c) Sharing with partners: To offer you better and more comprehensive services, we may collaborate with partners to provide certain services. As a result, Huawei may share some of your personal data with these partners to facilitate the provision of such services. For example, to provide you with sign-in and e-card services and help you provide feedback and address issues, Huawei must share your personal data, including your name, email address, mobile number, company, industry, country, and region, with the exhibition service provider (SINObase (Beijing) Marketing Technology Co., Ltd.).

At the same time, we will sign a strict non-disclosure agreement with our partners, requiring them to process your personal data in strict accordance with our instructions, this Statement, and any other related non-disclosure agreements and take security measures to process your personal data. We will require that our partners have no right to use the shared personal data for any other purpose.

2.2 Public Disclosure

We will disclose your personal data only in the following cases:

(a) Public disclosure with your explicit consent

(b) Public disclosure based on laws or reasonable grounds. We may disclose your information publicly if required by laws, legal procedures, litigation, or public and government authorities

(c) Disclosure necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Huawei, Huawei users, or the public. For example, we may disclose your personal data when we believe doing so is necessary or appropriate to prevent or defend against cyber threats, fraud, physical harm, or financial loss, or when it is in connection with the investigation of suspected or actual illegal activities.

We only disclose your personal data to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and pursuant to this statement.

3. How to Access or Modify Your Personal Data

You shall ensure that all the personal data you submit is accurate. Huawei is committed to maintaining the accuracy and completeness of your personal data and keeping it up-to-date.

According to the Personal Data Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, you have the right to request access to and obtain copies, receive, object to the collection/use/disclosure, change, delete, destroy, reject, restrict the use and transfer of your information, file a complaint, or withdraw your consent at any time. If you want to apply for account deregistration, click here to contact us. We may decline the requests if we have reasonable grounds to believe that such requests are fraudulent, impractical, or infringe on the privacy rights of others. If we determine that the request is valid, we will promptly process it upon receipt of your application and respond to your request within fifteen working days or within the time limit required by law and regulations. You understand and acknowledge that account cancellation is an irreversible action. Once you cancel your account, we will delete your relevant information, except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations, and relevant national standards.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when we process your personal data based on your consent. However, the withdrawal does not affect the legitimacy or effectiveness of how we process your personal data based on your consent before the revocation, nor does it affect any data processing based on a legal basis other than your consent.

4. How We Protect and Retain Your Personal Data

Huawei attaches great importance to the security of personal data. We take appropriate physical, organizational, and technical measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. For example, we use cryptographic technologies for data confidentiality, protection mechanisms to prevent attacks, and access control mechanisms to permit only authorized access to your personal data. We also provide training on security and privacy protection for employees to raise their awareness of personal data protection. We are committed to protecting your personal data; however, note that no security measure is completely infallible.

We will retain your personal data within the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this Statement unless an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by laws. We will securely delete your personal data related to the event within 30 days after the event ends. If you continue to access the app, only your access log data will be collected by this app. The data will be stored in the People's Republic of China.

5. Third-party SDKs

Some of our services, such as statistics and notification, require us to work with partners. To do so, Huawei integrates partners' SDKs or other similar applications.

Our products are developed based on DCloud uni-app(5+ App/Wap2App). During app running, we need to collect your unique device identifier (IMEI, Android ID, DEVICE_ID, IDFA, IMSI, or OAID) to provide statistical analysis services. We also analyze application startup data and error logs to improve performance and user experience, and provide better services to users.

For details, visit the DCloud User Service Agreement. For more information, click here to view the third-party SDK list.

6. How We Process Minors' Personal Data

We place great importance on protecting the personal data of minors. This app is primarily intended for adults.

6.1 If you are a minor under the age of 18, before using this app and related services, you should read and agree to this Privacy Statement together with your parents or other guardians who will supervise and guide you.

6.2 If you are the guardian of a minor under the age of 14, before using this app and related services, you should read and agree to this Privacy Statement on behalf of your ward.

6.3 We protect the personal data of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. We only collect, use, or disclose the personal data of minors when permitted by law, with explicit consent from parents or other guardians, or when necessary to protect the minors. If we discover that we have collected personal data of minors without verified consent from guardians, we will make every effort to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

6.4 If you are the guardian of a minor and have any other questions regarding the personal data of the minor you are responsible for, please contact us through the contact information provided at the end of this Statement.

7. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

To ensure a smooth browsing experience, you may receive content or web links from third parties (hereinafter referred to as "third parties") other than Huawei and our partners. For example, you can tap What's New > News Details on the event/activity home page to access a third-party system to view information. Huawei does not have control over such third parties, but you can choose whether to use the links, view the content, and/or access the products or services provided by third parties. We have no control over the privacy and data protection policies of third parties, which are not governed by this Policy.

8. How Your Personal Data Is Transferred

The event will be held in Shanghai, China, and the personal data you provide to Huawei will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China, without involving cross-border transfers.

9. Updates to This Policy

Huawei reserves the right to update or modify this Statement from time to time. We will release the latest Statement here in the event of any update.

With the development of our business, the functions and services of this app may be adjusted. In principle, when new functions or services are related to the functions or services we currently provide, the collection and use of personal data will have a direct or reasonable connection to the original processing purpose. In scenarios where there is no direct or reasonable connection to the original processing purpose, we will inform you again in accordance with legal requirements and national standards through page prompts, interactive processes, and agreement confirmations, and obtain your consent.

10. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact us via If you have any privacy complaints or issues, and want to contact Huawei Data Protection Officer (DPO), click here.

Revised: September 2024

Effective: August 2024